Tate Modern

I'm generally not interested in art, but after searching Time Out London to find possible photo ideas, I came across the Cildo Meireles exhibition at the Tate Modern. The description of the exhibit caught my attention:

"Among the spaces to walk around here – which includes a room filled with red objects and a passage knee-deep in talcum powder – is a maze of different fence-like barriers, including wire mesh, net and wood, which must be navigated to reach the giant ball of scrunched cellophane at its centre. Simple enough, except that beneath your feet is a floor of clear glass, on top of layers of broken shards, which cracks and breaks under your weight. Rather than reconstructing the real, Meireles stages the surreal and makes interaction a journey of provocation and potential."

That sounded interesting, so I went. And then I found out no photography was allowed. Photos wouldn't have done it justice anyway, as the exhibit was all about walking around and using all your senses, as opposed to just vision. It's a cool concept, to make art interactive rather than not.

I did feel kind of out of place. All other visitors were studying single pieces for such a long time and had notepads and were apparently writing down endless notes about the pieces at the exhibit. Crazy art enthusiasts.
I have no idea. A room at the Cildo Meireles exhibit at the Tate Modern. A labyrinth of clocks and meter sticks hanging from the ceiling.